Political Files
Some of the files found in these folders may contain terms, abbreviations or other language that require explanation for a full understanding of the documents. If so, these explanations should be found in the Terms and Disclosures folder.
Name | Size | Date Uploaded |
Affordable Clean Energy for All | 2 | -- |
American Commitment | 2 | -- |
Communities For Justice | 21 | -- |
Hosea Initiative | 2 | -- |
If Americans Knew | 2 | -- |
Joe From Texas | 1 | -- |
Media Research Center WWO | 4 | -- |
NAB Performance Tax Legislation | 13 | -- |
New California Coalition | 3 | -- |
No On 29 | 8 | -- |
Repeal the Death Tax | 6 | -- |
Second Amendment Foundation | 1 | -- |
Taxpayers Protection Alliance - Premiere Network | 4 | -- |
Taxpayers Protection Alliance WWO | 4 | -- |
Yes On Prop 27 | 4 | -- |
Yes on Recall of DA Chesa Boudin | 4 | -- |