Political Files
Some of the files found in these folders may contain terms, abbreviations or other language that require explanation for a full understanding of the documents. If so, these explanations should be found in the Terms and Disclosures folder.
Name |
Size |
Date Uploaded |
Chelle Diangelus Amer. Adv. 3 4 20 (Opens in new browser window)
74.51 KB |
03/11/2020 1:10 PM |
Dr. Leo Valentin, Congressional Candidate for U.S. House, District 7_10-28-20 (Opens in new browser window)
79.64 KB |
10/29/2020 10:26 AM |
Dr. Leo Valentin, Congressional Candidate for U.S. House, District 7 (FL)_10-13-20 (Opens in new browser window)
83.27 KB |
10/14/2020 11:49 AM |
Dr. Leo Valentin, Congressional Candidate for U.S. House, District 7 (FL)_10-20-20 (Opens in new browser window)
81.41 KB |
10/20/2020 8:55 PM |
Dr. Willie Montague_US House, July 8, 2020 (Opens in new browser window)
28.37 KB |
07/09/2020 3:16 PM |
Leo Valentin Congressional Candidate for U.S. House District 7 FL_9-2-2020 (Opens in new browser window)
79.54 KB |
09/03/2020 4:58 PM |
Neal Dunn 3 25 20_Am ADV (Opens in new browser window)
82.51 KB |
03/25/2020 7:43 PM |
Rep. Jack Kingston_AM Adv_4-7-2020 (Opens in new browser window)
80.61 KB |
04/08/2020 12:14 PM |
Richard Goble, candidate for Congress District 7_8-1-2020 (Opens in new browser window)
37.36 KB |
08/01/2020 8:24 PM |
Richard Goble, candidate for Congress District 8-8-20 (Opens in new browser window)
37.38 KB |
08/11/2020 9:35 AM |
Vennia Francios United States Congress District 10. _8-1 and 2-2020 (Opens in new browser window)
20.85 KB |
08/03/2020 5:26 PM |
Vennia Francois, Candidate for US House, FL District 10_10-21-20 (Opens in new browser window)
37.53 KB |
10/22/2020 0:17 AM |
Vennia Francois, Candidate for US House, FL District 10_10-28-20 (Opens in new browser window)
35.82 KB |
10/29/2020 10:26 AM |
Vennia Francois, Candidate for US House, FL District 10_9-23-20 (Opens in new browser window)
37.49 KB |
09/24/2020 2:14 PM |
Willie Montague, congressional candidate Florida district 10_9-26-20 (Opens in new browser window)
37.38 KB |
09/26/2020 9:42 PM |