WTAR and WNIS-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-Republican Primary-Combined Contract CON-NOR-CS-497-020521 (Opens in new browser window)
206.02 KB |
02/05/2021 10:58 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Advertising Copy for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1805-091021 (Opens in new browser window)
91.68 KB |
09/13/2021 8:25 AM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Advertising Copy for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1854-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
96.75 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Advertising Copy for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1855-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
96.75 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Advertising Copy for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1856-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
96.76 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Advertising Copy for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1857-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
96.76 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Advertising Copy for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1858-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
96.76 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Advertising Copy for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1859-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
96.76 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Advertising Copy for Motor Racing Network-100421 (Opens in new browser window)
91.53 KB |
10/05/2021 9:41 AM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Contract CON-NOR-CS-1805-091021-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
80.73 KB |
09/10/2021 2:49 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Contract CON-NOR-RR-1854-091721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
88.79 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Contract CON-NOR-RR-1855-091721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
88.78 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Contract CON-NOR-RR-1856-091721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
88.80 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Contract CON-NOR-RR-1857-091721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
88.78 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Contract CON-NOR-RR-1858-091721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
88.79 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Contract CON-NOR-RR-1859-091721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
88.78 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Disposition Report for Commercials via the Washington Football Team Radio Network-110121 (Opens in new browser window)
262.95 KB |
11/01/2021 11:56 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Disposition Report for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1805-091021-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
52.00 KB |
09/13/2021 7:55 AM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Disposition Report for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1856-101121-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
51.33 KB |
10/11/2021 11:57 AM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Disposition Report for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1854-092721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
43.14 KB |
09/27/2021 9:58 AM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Disposition Report for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1855-100421-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
49.46 KB |
10/04/2021 8:18 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Disposition Report for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1857-101821-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM RADIO NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
56.56 KB |
10/18/2021 1:31 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Disposition Report for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1858-102521 (Opens in new browser window)
52.77 KB |
10/25/2021 7:40 AM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Disposition Report for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1859-110121 (Opens in new browser window)
58.02 KB |
11/01/2021 7:07 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Insertion Order-091021 (Opens in new browser window)
76.87 KB |
09/10/2021 2:45 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Insertion Order to Washington Football Team Radio Network-081921 Version (Opens in new browser window)
45.35 KB |
08/31/2021 4:17 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Insertion Order to Washington Football Team Radio Network-082621 Version (Opens in new browser window)
25.52 KB |
08/31/2021 4:17 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-NAB Form for Advertising via the Washington Football Team Radio Network-083121 (Opens in new browser window)
87.49 KB |
08/31/2021 4:17 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-NAB Form for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1805-091021 (Opens in new browser window)
146.67 KB |
09/10/2021 3:29 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-NAB Form for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1854-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
147.26 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-NAB Form for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1855-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
147.26 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-NAB Form for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1856-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
147.26 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-NAB Form for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1857-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
147.26 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-NAB Form for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1858-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
147.26 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-NAB Form for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1859-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
147.26 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-REVISED Advertising Copy for Contract CON-NOR-CS-1859-102921 (Opens in new browser window)
96.77 KB |
11/01/2021 7:07 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-REVISED Advertising Copy for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1858-102221 (Opens in new browser window)
91.91 KB |
10/23/2021 8:19 AM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-REVISED NAB Form for Contract CON-NOR-RR-1858-102221 (Opens in new browser window)
147.32 KB |
10/23/2021 8:19 AM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Skyview Networks Insertion Order 5339-1061967-091721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
67.72 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Skyview Networks Insertion Order 5339-1061968-091721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
67.34 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Skyview Networks Insertion Order 5339-1061969-091721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
67.95 KB |
09/17/2021 2:37 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Skyview Networks Insertion Order 5339-1061970-091721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
8.83 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Skyview Networks Insertion Order 5339-1061971-091721-DOES NOT INCLUDE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL TEAM NETWORK COMMERCIALS (Opens in new browser window)
67.21 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-Skyview Networks Insertion Order 5339-1061972-091721 (Opens in new browser window)
66.89 KB |
09/17/2021 2:39 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-Republican Primary-Advertising Copy for Contract CON-NOR-CS-497-020521 (Opens in new browser window)
89.22 KB |
02/05/2021 10:50 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-Republican Primary-Disposition Report for Contract CON-NOR-CS-497-020821 (Opens in new browser window)
57.46 KB |
02/08/2021 10:09 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-Republican Primary-Katz Insertion Order 34775132-020521 (Opens in new browser window)
64.89 KB |
02/05/2021 1:15 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-Republican Primary-MOTOR RACING NETWORK Broadcast of 041021 (Opens in new browser window)
453.49 KB |
04/06/2021 11:10 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-Republican Primary-MOTOR RACING NETWORK Broadcast of 041821 (Opens in new browser window)
454.47 KB |
04/13/2021 6:10 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-Republican Primary-NAB Form for Contract-CON-NOR-CS-497-020521 (Opens in new browser window)
1,411.69 KB |
02/05/2021 10:50 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-Republican Primary-NAB Form for Motor Racing Network Broadcast of 041021-040621 (Opens in new browser window)
112.40 KB |
04/06/2021 11:10 PM |
WTAR-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-Republican Primary-NAB Form for MOTOR RACING NETWORK Broadcast of 041821-041321 (Opens in new browser window)
127.45 KB |
04/13/2021 6:10 PM |
WTAR-Motor Racing Network-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-NAB Form for Commercial on 100421 (Opens in new browser window)
97.54 KB |
10/05/2021 9:41 AM |
WTAR-Motor Racing Network Political File Documentation as Provided by Network-Glenn Youngkin-Virginia Governor-General Election-100421 (Opens in new browser window)
419.99 KB |
10/05/2021 9:41 AM |
WTAR-Performance Racing Network Political File Documentation AS PROVIDED BY NETWORK FOR 092621 BROADCAST (Opens in new browser window)
34.65 KB |
09/26/2021 10:39 AM |