Applications and Related Materials


Form 301 Application for Construction Permit for Commercial Broadcast Station
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
08/03/2005 20050803ADH , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) MIA GRANTED 03/07/2006
Form 302-AM Application for AM Broadcast Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
11/20/2014 20141120AJW CCP GRANTED 02/10/2015
08/03/2005 20050803ADR CCP GRANTED 03/23/2006
05/08/1996 19960508AD GRANTED 09/04/1996
08/01/1985 19850801BJ GRANTED 03/26/1986
01/29/1965 10277 GRANTED 01/29/1965


Form 303-S Application For Renewal of Broadcast Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
11/06/2020 0000104972 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) REN Granted 11/06/2020


Form 314 Application for Consent to Assignment of Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
05/15/1995 19950515EB GRANTED 07/10/1995
12/23/1994 19941223EA GRANTED 01/27/1995
04/29/1993 19930429GG GRANTED 05/28/1993
12/02/1992 19921202HR GRANTED 03/09/1993
02/05/1992 19920205HT GRANTED 02/21/1992
09/28/1979 19790928HC GRANTED 01/24/1980
10/09/2018 20181009AZD , table row 7 (Opens in new browser window) AL ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10/10/2018
10/09/2018 20181009AZD , table row 8 (Opens in new browser window) AMD GRANTED 04/24/2019
10/09/2018 20181009AZD , table row 9 (Opens in new browser window) AMD ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10/10/2018
10/09/2018 20181009AZD , table row 10 (Opens in new browser window) AMD ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10/10/2018
Form 316 Application for Consent to Assign Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License or Transfer of Control of Entity Holding Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
03/19/2018 20180319BHP , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) AL GRANTED 04/12/2018
10/19/2020 20201019ABW , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) AL GRANTED 11/10/2020


Form 315 Application for Consent to Transfer Control of Corporation Holding Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
08/15/2024 0000250495 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) TC Granted 08/15/2024
02/01/1979 19790201EB GRANTED 02/28/1979


Form STA Special Temporary Authority
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
11/06/2007 20070508ADQ GRANTED 11/06/2007
11/08/2006 20060127ASJ GRANTED 11/08/2006
10/14/2005 20050929BHW GRANTED 10/14/2005
10/14/2005 20050506ADY DISMISSED 10/14/2005
02/08/2005 20041015AEH GRANTED 02/08/2005
07/16/2004 20040420ADK GRANTED 07/16/2004
01/26/2004 20031002AGH GRANTED 01/26/2004
07/02/2003 20030303AGI GRANTED 07/02/2003
11/29/2002 20020925ADI GRANTED 11/29/2002
06/27/2002 20020329ADT GRANTED 06/27/2002
10/01/2001 20010702ADM GRANTED 10/01/2001
01/04/2001 20001222AAZ GRANTED 01/04/2001
Form 911 STA Engineering Request - FM
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
11/21/2014 20141121ACM , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) EXT GRANTED 12/16/2014
06/26/2014 20140626ABC , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) EXT GRANTED 07/23/2014
03/28/2013 20130328ALG , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) EXT GRANTED 04/23/2013
09/04/2012 20120904ABT , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) EXT GRANTED 10/02/2012
01/12/2012 20120112AEV , table row 5 (Opens in new browser window) EXT GRANTED 03/09/2012
05/05/2011 20110505ABD , table row 6 (Opens in new browser window) EXT GRANTED 07/14/2011
11/01/2010 20101101AAW , table row 7 (Opens in new browser window) EXT GRANTED 11/16/2010
02/11/2010 20100211ABF , table row 8 (Opens in new browser window) EXT GRANTED 05/03/2010
07/16/2009 20090716AAQ , table row 9 (Opens in new browser window) EXT GRANTED 08/13/2009
05/06/2008 20080506AAB , table row 10 (Opens in new browser window) EXT GRANTED 01/21/2009
03/31/2020 20200331AAF , table row 11 (Opens in new browser window) EST GRANTED 04/02/2020
07/23/2020 20200723AAA , table row 12 (Opens in new browser window) EST GRANTED 07/29/2020
07/23/2019 20190723AAB , table row 13 (Opens in new browser window) EST GRANTED 07/26/2019


Form 905 Consummation Notice
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
11/08/2024 0000257498 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) CNSEXT Accepted 11/08/2024