Political Files

Some of the files found in these folders may contain terms, abbreviations or other language that require explanation for a full understanding of the documents. If so, these explanations should be found in the Terms and Disclosures folder.

Name Size Date Uploaded
    AB PAC 4 --
    Access Issue 3 --
    ACLU 2 --
    Aids Healthcare Foundation 3 --
    Americas First Policies 3 --
    Be a Hero PAC 6 --
    CABIA 1 --
    Cali Alliance Renew Energy 1 --
    California Teachers Association 2 --
    CDC Foundation 10 --
    Coalition to Restore CA Middle Class 3 --
    CSEA IE 3 --
    Homeownership for Families 4 --
    No On 23 12 --
    NO ON PROP 25 12 --
    Persist PAC 5 --
    Protect App-Based Drivers and Services Act 3 --
    Safe Schools Healthy Learning Project 8 --
    Save Caltrain 2 --
    Sierra Health 35 --
    UFCW 3 --
    Vote Safe 14 --
    Vote Safe CA 12 --
    Yes on Measure 6 --
    Yes on Measure PV 6 --