Political Files
Some of the files found in these folders may contain terms, abbreviations or other language that require explanation for a full understanding of the documents. If so, these explanations should be found in the Terms and Disclosures folder.
Name | Size | Date Uploaded |
Americans for Prosperity | 24 | -- |
Assembly Biden for President | 12 | -- |
Biden for President DNC | 13 | -- |
Biden for President Nat AZ | 107 | -- |
Center for Western Priorities | 3 | -- |
Defending Democracy | 12 | -- |
Electronic Payments Coalition | 21 | -- |
Future Forward USA Project | 16 | -- |
Humane Society Leg Fund | 8 | -- |
Invest in Phoenix | 4 | -- |
MoveOnOrg | 3 | -- |
Republican Accountability | 3 | -- |
SEIU AZ | 4 | -- |
Tempe Prop 301 | 4 | -- |
Unleash Prosperity | 3 | -- |