Political Files

Some of the files found in these folders may contain terms, abbreviations or other language that require explanation for a full understanding of the documents. If so, these explanations should be found in the Terms and Disclosures folder.

Name Size Date Uploaded
    AARP 26 --
    ACC Nevada PAC 12 --
    Advancing American Freedom 2 --
    American Prosperity Alliance 10 --
    Americans for Limited Government 9 --
    Americans for Secure Elections 8 --
    A Stronger NV 45 --
    Better NV PAC 22 --
    Building Back Together 15 --
    CCIA 53 --
    Chamber of Progress 7 --
    Citizens for Sanity 19 --
    Climate Power Action 1 --
    Commitment of Seniors 5 --
    Conservatives for Effective Govt 3 --
    Conservatives for Election Integrity 5 --
    Consumer Research 3 --
    Democratic National Committee 3 --
    DSCC 40 --
    ECU Let America Vote 2 --
    Everytown for Gun Safety 3 --
    EW Democracy Project 1 --
    FF PAC 59 --
    LCV Victory Fund 15 --
    Leadership in Nevada 5 --
    League Conservation of Voters 16 --
    Maga Policies 5 --
    Morning in America 23 --
    MoveOnorg 5 --
    National Community Pharmacists Association 23 --
    Nevada Homestead 9 --
    Nevada Voters First 11 --
    New Democracy Project 11 --
    NRSC 49 --
    One Nation 43 --
    Opportunity Matters Fund 3 --
    Our American Century 21 --
    PFCD 5 --
    RGA Nevada PAC 30 --
    Safe NV 34 --
    SD PAC LV 5 --
    Senate Leadership Fund 62 --
    Senate Majority PAC 93 --
    SOMOS PAC 14 --
    Stronger Nevada PAC 7 --
    Term Limit Action 5 --
    Third Way 10 --
    Veterans Voice Foundation 3 --
    Women Vote 24 --