Ownership Reports

Form 323
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Applicant FRN Applicant Name
11/07/2023 0000225009 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) Biennial 0003016672 AVC Communications, Inc.
11/07/2023 0000225010 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) Biennial 0029597424 AVC Communications Multimedia Group LLC
11/29/2021 0000172331 , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) Biennial 0029597424 AVC Communications Multimedia Group LLC
06/11/2020 0000116020 , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) Transfer of control or assignment of license/permit 0029597424 AVC Communications Multimedia Group LLC
11/14/2019 0000089378 , table row 5 (Opens in new browser window) Biennial 0007272834 Y Bridge Broadcasting, Inc.
02/07/2018 0000041510 , table row 6 (Opens in new browser window) Biennial 0007272834 Y Bridge Broadcasting, Inc.
11/09/2015 BOA 20151109FVP , table row 7 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Biennial 0007272834 Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
12/17/2013 BOA 20131217CQZ , table row 8 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Biennial 0007272834 Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
11/21/2011 BOA 20111121EYE , table row 9 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Biennial 0007272834 Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
11/21/2011 BOA 20111121EYE , table row 10 (Opens in new browser window) Amendment to pending application 0007272834 Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
05/24/2010 BOA 20100524ABC , table row 11 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Biennial 0007272834 Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
01/30/2009 BON 20090130ABK , table row 12 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Other 0007272834 Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
05/28/2008 BOA 20080528AEO , table row 13 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Biennial 0007272834 Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
05/24/2006 BOA 20060524AAB , table row 14 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Biennial 0007272834 Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
09/13/2005 BON 20050913ABN , table row 15 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Other 0007272834 Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
05/27/2004 BON 20040527AAN , table row 16 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Other 0007272834 Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
05/27/2004 BOA 20040527AAL , table row 17 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Biennial 0007272834 Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
06/01/2001 BOA 20010601ADU , table row 18 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Biennial Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
06/01/2001 BOA 20010601AER , table row 19 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Biennial Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.
06/01/1999 BOA 19990601AAL , table row 20 (Opens in new browser window) Ownership Biennial Y BRIDGE BROADCASTING, INC.