Applications and Related Materials


Form 302-FM Application for FM Broadcast Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
01/14/2015 20150114ABW , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) CCP GRANTED 01/26/2015
07/09/2012 20120709ADG , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) CCP GRANTED 10/05/2012
12/20/2017 20171220AAT , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) MAL GRANTED 01/31/2018
09/26/2017 20170926AEY , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) CCP GRANTED 10/24/2017


Form 303-S Application For Renewal of Broadcast Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
09/15/2020 0000114046 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) REN Granted 09/15/2020


Form 314 Application for Consent to Assignment of Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
10/11/2011 20111011AOB , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) AP GRANTED 11/23/2011
10/03/2019 20191003AAF , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) AL GRANTED 11/13/2019


Form 315 Application for Consent to Transfer Control of Corporation Holding Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
05/27/2016 20160527ACK , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) AMD GRANTED 09/02/2016
05/27/2016 20160527ACK , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) TCL ACCEPTED FOR FILING 05/31/2016


Form 910 Analog Service Termination Notification / Silent STA / Notification of Suspension
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
04/20/2017 20170420AAF , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) OTH GRANTED 05/24/2017
09/26/2017 1767627 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) GRANTED 06/25/2017
Form 911 STA Engineering Request - FM
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
08/10/2017 20170810ABZ , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) EST DENIED 08/23/2017


Form 340 Application for Construction Permit for Reserved Channel Noncommercial Educational Broadcast Station (application, instructions, and worksheet)
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
11/14/2014 20141114AGE , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) MIL GRANTED 12/12/2014
01/20/2012 20120120ABR , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) MIP GRANTED 04/23/2012
08/25/2009 20090825BTU , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) MIP GRANTED 09/25/2009
10/22/2007 20071022AEG , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) MIA GRANTED 07/24/2009
04/26/2016 20160426ABD , table row 5 (Opens in new browser window) MIL GRANTED 06/15/2016
08/23/2017 20170823AAH , table row 6 (Opens in new browser window) MIP DISMISSED 09/15/2017
Form 905 Consummation Notice
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
12/27/2011 1481402 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) AL Accepted 12/27/2011