Applications and Related Materials


Form 301-CA Application for Authority to Make Changes in a Class A Television Broadcast Station
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
12/15/2021 2047059 AMD DISMISSED 12/15/2021
01/24/2022 2046512 MIP GRANTED 01/24/2022
Form 302-CA Application for Class A Television Broadcast Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
01/22/2001 20001208AFC CTL GRANTED 01/31/2001


Form 303-S Application For Renewal of Broadcast Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
01/04/2023 0000187734 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) REN Granted 01/04/2023


Form 316 Application for Consent to Assign Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License or Transfer of Control of Entity Holding Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
08/02/2014 20140804AAA , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) AL GRANTED 08/13/2014
07/03/2014 20140703AAX , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) TCL GRANTED 07/18/2014
06/05/2014 20140605ADX , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) AL GRANTED 06/18/2014
11/13/2018 20181113ABN , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) AL GRANTED 04/05/2019


Form 315 Application for Consent to Transfer Control of Corporation Holding Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
11/09/2018 20181109AAU , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) AMD ACCEPTED FOR FILING 11/13/2018
11/09/2018 20181109AAU , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) TCL ACCEPTED FOR FILING 11/13/2018
11/09/2018 20181109AAU , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) AMD GRANTED 04/05/2019
11/09/2018 20181109AAU , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) AMD ACCEPTED FOR FILING 11/13/2018


Form STA Special Temporary Authority
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
02/25/2021 0000135768 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) STA Granted 02/25/2021
05/14/2020 0000113459 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) STA Granted 05/14/2020
12/10/2019 0000068018 , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) STA Dismissed 12/10/2019
Form 910 Analog Service Termination Notification / Silent STA / Notification of Suspension
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
05/11/2012 1499728 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) GRANTED 05/14/2012
05/04/2012 20120504ABQ , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) TEC DISMISSED 01/30/2015
Form 911 STA Engineering Request - FM
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
02/25/2021 2039446 EST GRANTED 02/25/2021


Form 175 Application to Participate in an FCC Auction
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
06/30/2006 20060630CLB , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) AMD GRANTED 10/29/2009
Form 345 Application for Transfer of Control of a Corporate Licensee or Permittee, or Assignment of License or Permit, for an FM or TV Translator Station, or a Low Power Television Station
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
08/07/1998 19980213IB GRANTED 08/07/1998
04/21/1997 19970220IB GRANTED 04/21/1997
Form 346 Application for Authority to Construct or Make Changes in a Low Power TV, TV Translator, or TV Booster Station
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
01/24/2022 0000177281 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) MOD Granted 01/24/2022
12/02/2008 20081202ABH , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) DCC GRANTED 10/29/2009
08/30/1993 19930402NM GRANTED 08/30/1993
Form 347 Application for a Low Power TV, TV Translator or TV Booster Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
04/06/2023 0000213054 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) L2C Granted 04/06/2023
12/15/2021 0000177176 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) WDR Withdrawn 12/15/2021
12/15/2021 0000177176 , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) MOD Dismissed 12/15/2021
06/10/2015 0000001708 , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) MOD Granted 06/10/2015
06/05/2015 0000001576 , table row 5 (Opens in new browser window) L2C Granted 06/05/2015
11/29/1993 19931101II LICENSE CANCELLED 11/29/1993
Form 381 Digital Channel Election Form: Pre-Election Certification
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
07/01/2015 0000002516 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) SCH Received 07/01/2015
Form NTF
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
04/29/2024 0000243975 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) NTF Received 04/29/2024
04/15/2024 0000243527 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) NTF Received 04/15/2024
08/23/2022 0000198199 , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) NTF Received 08/23/2022
08/12/2021 0000156942 , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) NTF Received 08/12/2021
01/19/2021 0000131720 , table row 5 (Opens in new browser window) NTF Received 01/19/2021
07/20/2020 0000118083 , table row 6 (Opens in new browser window) NTF Received 07/20/2020