Applications and Related Materials


Form 301 Application for Construction Permit for Commercial Broadcast Station
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
04/22/2020 0000112515 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) MOD Granted 04/22/2020
03/05/2018 0000034128 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) MOD Granted 03/05/2018
07/24/2017 0000027467 , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) MOD Granted 07/24/2017
Form 302 Application for a Broadcast Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
04/23/2020 0000112529 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) L2C Granted 04/23/2020
04/23/2020 0000112379 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) L2C Dismissed 04/23/2020
04/12/2018 0000052458 , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) MOD Granted 04/12/2018
Form 340 Application for Construction Permit for Reserved Channel Noncommercial Educational Broadcast Station (application, instructions, and worksheet)
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
06/10/2008 20080610AAQ , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) MIL GRANTED 12/07/2009
03/10/2003 20030310AQU , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) MIP GRANTED 11/01/2004
03/10/2003 20030310ARF , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) MIL GRANTED 05/15/2003
03/02/2001 20000501AJG MIL GRANTED 01/16/2002
05/13/1994 19940513KE GRANTED 06/22/1994
10/22/1987 19871022KH GRANTED 10/30/1987
06/28/1985 19850628KF GRANTED 07/23/1985


Form 303-S Application For Renewal of Broadcast Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
07/27/2021 0000115451 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) REN Granted 07/27/2021



Form 315 Application for Consent to Transfer Control of Corporation Holding Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
02/26/2021 0000130687 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) AMD Granted 02/26/2021



Form 317 Annual DTV Ancillary/Supplemental Services Report for Digital Television Stations
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
09/29/2017 0000030301 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) SCH Received 09/29/2017
Form 337 Application for Extension of Time to Construct a Digital Television Broadcast Station
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
02/25/2003 20030225AAK , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) EP GRANTED 05/08/2003
Form 387 DTV Transition Status Report
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
04/21/2020 0000112439 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 04/21/2020
04/21/2020 0000112438 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 04/21/2020
04/10/2020 0000111986 , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 04/10/2020
01/08/2020 0000095710 , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 01/08/2020
10/09/2019 0000085087 , table row 5 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 10/09/2019
07/01/2019 0000075198 , table row 6 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 07/01/2019
04/10/2019 0000070924 , table row 7 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 04/10/2019
01/10/2019 0000066272 , table row 8 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 01/10/2019
10/10/2018 0000062125 , table row 9 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 10/10/2018
07/10/2018 0000057831 , table row 10 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 07/10/2018
04/06/2018 0000050456 , table row 11 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 04/06/2018
01/12/2018 0000040148 , table row 12 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 01/12/2018
10/10/2017 0000032964 , table row 13 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 10/10/2017
02/11/2008 20080211AAZ , table row 14 (Opens in new browser window) DTR ACCEPTED FOR FILING 02/11/2008
Form 905 Consummation Notice
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
04/29/2021 0000144030 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) CNSNTF Accepted 04/29/2021
Form NTF
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
02/12/2025 0000266608 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) NTF Received 02/12/2025