Applications and Related Materials


Form 301-CA Application for Authority to Make Changes in a Class A Television Broadcast Station
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
02/06/2009 20090206ABO , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) DFC GRANTED 02/20/2009
Form 302-CA Application for Class A Television Broadcast Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
06/15/2009 20090615ADH , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) CCP GRANTED 07/01/2009
05/01/2009 20090501ABW , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) CCP GRANTED 05/28/2009
03/15/2007 20070315AAX , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) CTP GRANTED 02/02/2009


Form 303-S Application For Renewal of Broadcast Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
08/30/2021 0000141671 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) REN Granted 08/30/2021


Form 314 Application for Consent to Assignment of Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
01/19/1994 19931201JD GRANTED 01/19/1994
02/10/1993 19930121IB DISMISSED 02/10/1993
10/05/1990 19900820IC GRANTED 10/05/1990


Form 315 Application for Consent to Transfer Control of Corporation Holding Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
11/15/1994 19940823IA GRANTED 11/15/1994



Form 317 Annual DTV Ancillary/Supplemental Services Report for Digital Television Stations
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
12/04/2023 0000231297 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) SCH Received 12/04/2023
01/21/2020 0000098912 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) SCH Received 01/21/2020
02/08/2019 0000067761 , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) SCH Received 02/08/2019
11/30/2017 0000035843 , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) SCH Received 11/30/2017
11/21/2016 0000017836 , table row 5 (Opens in new browser window) SCH Received 11/21/2016
11/20/2015 0000006300 , table row 6 (Opens in new browser window) SCH Received 11/20/2015
11/25/2014 20141125ANR , table row 7 (Opens in new browser window) AF RECEIVED 11/26/2014
01/03/2014 20140103AFI , table row 8 (Opens in new browser window) AF RECEIVED 01/06/2014
01/15/2013 20130115AAR , table row 9 (Opens in new browser window) AF RECEIVED 01/16/2013
11/22/2011 20111122AFT , table row 10 (Opens in new browser window) AF RECEIVED 11/23/2011
11/02/2010 20101102AAR , table row 11 (Opens in new browser window) AF RECEIVED 11/03/2010
11/17/2009 20091117ABD , table row 12 (Opens in new browser window) AF RECEIVED 11/18/2009
Form 345 Application for Transfer of Control of a Corporate Licensee or Permittee, or Assignment of License or Permit, for an FM or TV Translator Station, or a Low Power Television Station
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
03/31/2000 20000327AAR AL GRANTED 05/16/2000
Form 346 Application for Authority to Construct or Make Changes in a Low Power TV, TV Translator, or TV Booster Station
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
03/01/2018 0000034782 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) MOD Granted 03/01/2018
07/05/2017 0000025370 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) MOD Granted 07/05/2017
03/23/2006 20060323ABQ , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) MIL DISMISSED 04/25/2007
03/23/2006 20060323ABR , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) P GRANTED 10/23/2006
01/11/2001 20001227ABB MIP GRANTED 05/14/2001
06/29/1999 19981014JB GRANTED 06/29/1999
11/10/1998 JG0601ZJ DISMISSED 11/10/1998
10/10/1995 19940413BW GRANTED 10/10/1995
11/03/1993 19931022JR GRANTED 11/03/1993
11/09/1993 19931022JS GRANTED 11/09/1993
04/23/1993 19930330JL GRANTED 04/23/1993
02/10/1993 19930121IC DENIED 02/10/1993
11/22/1991 19911030JF GRANTED 11/22/1991
10/23/1991 19910503GI GRANTED 10/23/1991
10/05/1990 19900925IA GRANTED 10/05/1990
04/07/1989 19880624WI GRANTED 04/07/1989
Form 347 Application for a Low Power TV, TV Translator or TV Booster Station License
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
10/21/2019 0000086458 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) L2C Granted 10/21/2019
11/06/2001 20011106AAF , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) CCP GRANTED 11/29/2001
04/05/1996 19960313IS GRANTED 04/05/1996
12/02/1993 19931022JT GRANTED 12/02/1993
Form 381 Digital Channel Election Form: Pre-Election Certification
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
06/30/2015 0000002349 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) SCH Received 06/30/2015
Form 387 DTV Transition Status Report
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
07/08/2022 0000194624 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 07/08/2022
01/10/2022 0000179519 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 01/10/2022
10/25/2021 0000163347 , table row 3 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 10/25/2021
07/09/2021 0000152197 , table row 4 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 07/09/2021
04/09/2021 0000143279 , table row 5 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 04/09/2021
01/08/2021 0000130785 , table row 6 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 01/08/2021
10/05/2020 0000123972 , table row 7 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 10/05/2020
07/09/2020 0000117431 , table row 8 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 07/09/2020
01/10/2020 0000096532 , table row 9 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 01/10/2020
10/18/2019 0000086836 , table row 10 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 10/18/2019
10/09/2019 0000085310 , table row 11 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 10/09/2019
08/09/2019 0000080222 , table row 12 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 08/09/2019
07/10/2019 0000077656 , table row 13 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 07/10/2019
04/10/2019 0000071237 , table row 14 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 04/10/2019
01/22/2019 0000062434 , table row 15 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Superceded 01/22/2019
07/05/2018 0000056232 , table row 16 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 07/05/2018
04/10/2018 0000052056 , table row 17 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 04/10/2018
01/08/2018 0000038065 , table row 18 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 01/08/2018
10/10/2017 0000032286 , table row 19 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 10/10/2017
10/05/2017 0000031175 , table row 20 (Opens in new browser window) NTPR Received 10/05/2017
Form 901 Change in Official Mailing Address for Broadcast Station
Date Filed File Number/ID Purpose Status Status Date
07/30/2012 1509741 , table row 1 (Opens in new browser window) ACCEPTED FOR FILING 07/31/2012
05/30/2012 1502299 , table row 2 (Opens in new browser window) ACCEPTED FOR FILING 05/31/2012