Political Files

Some of the files found in these folders may contain terms, abbreviations or other language that require explanation for a full understanding of the documents. If so, these explanations should be found in the Terms and Disclosures folder.

Name Size Date Uploaded
    AB PAC 75 --
    America First Action 27 --
    America First Policies 10 --
    Better Future Michigan 11 --
    Duty and Honor 2 --
    EDF Action Votes 5 --
    Engage Michigan 12 --
    Friends of Public Transportation 3 --
    Future Forward 42 --
    IVote Civic Education Fund 15 --
    Justice for All 12 --
    Michigan Republican Party 31 --
    MI Dempcratic State Central Committee 17 --
    Millions of Michiganians 5 --
    NEA Advocacy 5 --
    NRA Political Victory Fund 7 --
    One Nation 6 --
    Priorites USA Action 133 --
    Progress MI 10 --
    Restoration PAC 16 --
    Right to Life 2 --
    Road to MI Future 20 --
    Senate Leadership 18 --
    Senate Majority PAC 55 --
    United Association of Plumbers 4 --
    Unite the Country 24 --