Political Files
Some of the files found in these folders may contain terms, abbreviations or other language that require explanation for a full understanding of the documents. If so, these explanations should be found in the Terms and Disclosures folder.
Name | Size | Date Uploaded |
ISS-1818 PAC | 0 | -- |
ISS-AARP | 0 | -- |
ISS-American Dream Federal Action | 0 | -- |
ISS-Club For Growth | 0 | -- |
ISS-Conservative Outsider PAC | 0 | -- |
ISS-DCCC | 0 | -- |
ISS-Democratic Governors Association | 0 | -- |
ISS-Fight Back Fund | 0 | -- |
ISS-House Freedom Action | 0 | -- |
ISS-House Majority PAC | 0 | -- |
ISS-IL Values PAC | 0 | -- |
ISS-People Who Play by the Rules | 0 | -- |
ISS-Protect Our Future | 0 | -- |
ISS-Strong Leaders Fund | 0 | -- |
ISS-United Association | 0 | -- |
ISS-Vote Yes for Workers Rights | 0 | -- |
ISS-Women Vote | 0 | -- |