Political Files

Some of the files found in these folders may contain terms, abbreviations or other language that require explanation for a full understanding of the documents. If so, these explanations should be found in the Terms and Disclosures folder.

Name Size Date Uploaded
    AB PAC 42 --
    Citizens For Sanity 7 --
    Computer Communications Industry Association 35 --
    Democratic Party of Georgia 4 --
    Georgia Action Fund 9 --
    Georgia Honor 82 --
    Get Georgia Right PAC 9 --
    NRA-PVF 5 --
    One Nation 46 --
    Peachtree Values 9 --
    Republicans Governors Association Georgia 2022 PAC 44 --
    Senate Leadership Fund 59 --
    Senate Majority PAC 32 --
    Vote Vets 22 --