Political Files

Some of the files found in these folders may contain terms, abbreviations or other language that require explanation for a full understanding of the documents. If so, these explanations should be found in the Terms and Disclosures folder.

Name Size Date Uploaded
    DAGA Peoples Lawyer Project 14 --
    Ditch Fund 16 --
    Ditch Mitch 8 --
    Jobs Creator Network-SBGN 3 --
    Judicial Crisis Network 4 --
    Kanawha Co Republican Exec Comm-Chas 4 --
    Keep Kentucky Great 57 --
    Mountaineer PAC 38 --
    One Nation 20 --
    Package Coalition 4 --
    Republican State Leadership Committee 14 --
    Reset WV pac 10 --
    Reset WV - Wheelhouse 5 --
    Restore WV 9 --
    RSLC West Virginia SD 4 Ind Exp 4 --
    Save America Fund 16 --
    We Build The Wall Inc 7 --
    WV First PAC 6 --